Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Midnight Stroll

I wake up sleepy, I smile, I yawn, I rub my eyes, I can't see well, it's dark, it's midnight - I guess - I walk stumbling with all I have on my way, I get to the living room, I sit, I don't understand, what do I do? - I wonder - I am alone in the silence, empty in the dark, awake in my dream, I don't feel cold, nor hot, I'm not afraid, I feel nothing, I can only see, I see someone coming to me, who is it? - I ask - without answer, he just looks at me smiling, what happens? - I wonder - it makes me a sign saying "come", I don't understand, but I follow him, he brings me to my room, I see me in my bed asleep, I react, I shiver, I run, I don't know where to go, I don't know what is happening, then he says to me: don't feel afraid, close your eyes, it is not your time, I just came to visit you, close your eyes and go back to sleep ...


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

防人之心不可無, 害人之心不可有 (fang ren zhi xin bu ke wu, hai ren zhi xin bu ke you)

This is a chinese proverb, below you will find the interpretation, hope it is comprehensible for you:

The first part
: 防人之心不可無 (fang ren zhi xin bu ke wu)
Translation: Careful with others is that you must have
Meaning: Be cautious of people, because they will hurt you intentionally

The second Part:
害人之心不可有 (hai ren zhi xin bu ke you)
Translation: Do not keep intentions to hurt others

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understand as follows:
Be cautious enough for distrust, and be good enough to not hurt.

If you have a better translation that fits with the original proverb, please feel free to leave a comment.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God

Bible, John iii, 3
For Buddhists born again means reborn (reincarnation), and it's all about the Karma and the correlation between cause and effect, "the law of causality". Nothing is about coincidence, it is not about luck, it is about destiny, as you sow, so shall you reap, that is the law of nature. Each person has a different personality, different thoughts and different experiences in each life (reincarnation), for this reason every person has a different destiny, and we can see how fair is the heaven. Yet there are different social classes, rich and poor, healthy and sick, good and bad, but how could this happen? The answer is "because of our Karma", we have received more than we have given, and if we understand how important is the relation between Karma and our lifes, surely we will not damage ourselves and we will select carefully the good seeds from the bad ones, but this is not enough, we also have to return the favors, pay our debts, and repent for everything bad we've done; and start to do good things to create merits and virtues to eliminate the bad Karma and fill the soul with new Karma.


There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear

Bible, I John iv, 18
What do I think about perfect love? I think that perfect love is something you cannot explain, it is unique, it is extraordinary, when you truely love you just give everything without expecting something from anyone, it is not a common feeling, it is not selfish, it is blind, it doesn't see if it is good or bad, black or white, day or night, it is mercyful, completely dedicated, totally commited, and in my opinion only few people in this world truely love, it is like a mother's love (no matter how does her children are, a mother will always give them care and love), ofcourse not every mother loves her children...
When you have love in your heart, you have no fear, you will be ready for anything, no matter if it is good or bad, you will accept it, and when your heart is fulfilled it's because you have received understanding and wisdom.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Balance in life is the essence of life itself" (Simon Yeung) and what is the real essence?

Well, these are my personal thoughts, so perhaps there are many things that you will not be agree with me, so you don't have to believe in what I write, I just want to share some thoughts with you.

Anyone has an essence, but this essence has something particular, all are the same, I will be use an example to be more clear... H2O = water, it is colorless, odorless, it doesn't have a shape, but if you add color on it, it's essence will still be water, so there is no matter about the color of people skin, the essence is the same, we are all created by God, God is everything, God is anywhere, so in my opinion God is the real essence that gives balance to our lives.


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