Tuesday, November 10, 2009

防人之心不可無, 害人之心不可有 (fang ren zhi xin bu ke wu, hai ren zhi xin bu ke you)

This is a chinese proverb, below you will find the interpretation, hope it is comprehensible for you:

The first part
: 防人之心不可無 (fang ren zhi xin bu ke wu)
Translation: Careful with others is that you must have
Meaning: Be cautious of people, because they will hurt you intentionally

The second Part:
害人之心不可有 (hai ren zhi xin bu ke you)
Translation: Do not keep intentions to hurt others

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understand as follows:
Be cautious enough for distrust, and be good enough to not hurt.

If you have a better translation that fits with the original proverb, please feel free to leave a comment.


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